Privacy Policy

1. The data we process

1.1. We do not collect your personal data using the Site.

1.2. All data collected on the Website is provided and accepted in anonymised form (“Personal Data”).

1.3. Impersonal Data includes the following information that does not allow you to be identified

1.3.1. Information that you provide about yourself using the online forms and software modules of the Site, including your name or telephone number and/or e-mail address.

1.3.2. Data that is transmitted in an impersonal form automatically, depending on the settings of the software you use.

1.4. The Administration has the right to set requirements for the composition of User’s Impersonal Data, which is collected using the Website.

1.5. If certain information is not marked as mandatory, its provision or disclosure is at the User’s discretion and on its own initiative.

1.6. Administration does not verify the accuracy of the provided data and the availability of User’s necessary consent to its processing in accordance with this Policy, assuming that the User acts in good faith, with caution, and makes all necessary efforts to keep such information up to date and obtain all necessary consents for its use.

1.7. You acknowledge and accept the possibility of third party software being used on the Site, as a result of which such parties may receive and transmit the data referred to in paragraph 1.3 in anonymised form.

Example! Such third party software includes the visitor statistics systems Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrika.

1.8. The composition and terms and conditions for the collection of anonymised data using third party software shall be determined directly by its rights holders and may include:
browser data (type, version, cookie);
device data and its location;
operating system data (type, version, screen resolution);
query data (time, transfer source, IP address).

1.9. Administration is not responsible for the way the User’s Impersonal Data is used by third parties.

1. processed data

1.1. We do not collect your personal data using the Site.

1.2. All data collected on the Site is provided and accepted in an anonymised form (“Anonymised Data”).

1.3. Anonymised Data comprises the following information which does not allow you to be identified

1.3.1. Information that you provide about yourself using the online forms and software modules of the Site, including your name or telephone number and/or e-mail address.

1.3.2. Data that is transmitted in anonymised form automatically, depending on the settings of the software you are using.

1.4. The Administration has the right to set requirements for the composition of the User’s Impersonal Data that is collected using the Website.

1.5. If certain information is not marked as mandatory, its provision or disclosure is at the discretion of the User and at their own initiative.

1.6. Administration does not check the accuracy of the provided data and the availability of the necessary consent to its processing in accordance with this Policy, assuming that the User acts in good faith, with circumspection and makes all necessary efforts to keep such information up to date and to obtain all necessary consents for its use.

1.7. You acknowledge and accept the possibility of third party software being used on the Site, as a result of which such parties may receive and transmit the data referred to in paragraph 1.3 in anonymised form.

Example! Such third party software includes the visitor statistics systems Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrika.

1.8. The composition and terms and conditions for the collection of anonymised data using third party software shall be determined directly by its rights holders and may include:
browser data (type, version, cookie);
device data and its location;
operating system data (type, version, screen resolution);
query data (time, transfer source, IP address).

1.9. The Administration is not responsible for the way the User’s Impersonal Data is used by third parties.

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